Tuesday, November 25, 2014

1000 free vector robots pack + A Huge bundle: PSD, GUI, Bootstrap + Great education deal

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ShockFamily  |   ByPeople


Flat Robot Vector Pack: 1000 Possible Combinations

A cool pack for robot lovers containing a set of flat robots, made in Photoshop with editable vectors. It is a set that includes body parts and accessories like legs, body shapes, faces, arms and eyes for you to assemble and have fun. They come in eleven colors and you can create about a 1000 different robots!

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 Free 3 web dev courses + A great deal: 18 web dev courses 96% off (valued at $2500 for only $89)

css forms

We have partnered with Eduonix to give you their entire set of web development lessons (priced at USD$2500) only at USD$89 for a limited time! Among the courses you'll find within there are:

Projects in Ruby On rails
Projects in CSS
Projects in HTML5
The Complete Web Development Course – Learn By Building Apps
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch
Learn NoSQL Database Design From Scratch
Learn Database Design with MySQL
Learn Java Script Server Technologies From Scratch
Learn to Build Apps for Facebook and Chrome Store
Learn Responsive Web Development from Scratch
Learn Complete WordPress Security
Complete WordPress Training For Beginners
Learn SEO For WordPress Websites
Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL
Learn How to Build Ecommerce Website From Scratch
HTML5 Programming
Learn Python Programming from Scratch
Learn to Setup Websites from Scratch

If you want a taste of it, you can download the three lessons they're giving away!

Download >>


Trendy: PSD GUI, Bootstrap Theme, HTML Template and Icons Pack

The Trendy GUI pack is a compelling creation by the team at ByPeople. It is a huge set that includes a GUI in PSD format, a Bootstrap theme, an HTML template and a set of beautiful icons. The GUI (base for the theme and template), has a flat style, a wide range of design elements and organized layers for easy edition, including icons to complement the design.

Download >>

ByPeople | DesignShock | ThemeShock | IconShock | ThemeGenerator
Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia - blog@designshock.com bp@bypeople.com
Phone: 5712693216 - http://www.designshock.com/privacy.php
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Info 6 - 2014: No Jalan Pintas, Hindari Jebakan Kata Kunci

Yth. ,

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