Tuesday, February 17, 2015

27K Flat Icons, 77 PSD Web Templates, 22 Startup WP Themes and 65 CSS loaders

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ShockFamily  |   ByPeople


27,000+ Multipurpose Flat Icons

Hi friends! Today we present a carefully curated collection of bundles and our huge flat icon package which already has more than 27K icons in that trendy flat style. Including industries for medical, text, graphics, communication, education, multimedia, business and many more.

A Huge Bundle of 77 Beautiful PSD Web Templates

A set with 1.1 GB of web templates made in PSD for multiple purposes, including designs in a flat and minimal style, single page and others. They can be used personally and commercially for free.

65 Gorgeous CSS Loaders Bundle

 A big set of CSS loaders that we have curated carefully and made available as code snippets for you to implement in any of your projects. Some of these loaders are colorful, some of them are animated and all of them are free to download (bundled or individually).

22 Single Page Startup WordPress Themes

A bundle of beautiful and crafted single page WordPress themes for startups and newly created companies. The themes included range from serious creations to colorful and vibrant designs without losing their modern appearance and feel. This bundle can be downloaded as a whole or each item individually.

ByPeople | DesignShock | ThemeShock | IconShock | ThemeGenerator
Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia - blog@designshock.com bp@bypeople.com
Phone: 5712693216 - http://www.designshock.com/privacy.php
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Please reply to this email to report any issues. We will help.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Utamakan Aman dan menjadi Prioritas Pembeli

Yth. ,

Tahukah anda 80embeli memilih bertransaksi dengan anggota Prioritas Indonetwork?

Kepercayaan di dunia online menjadi faktor utama penentu transaksi jual-beli. Indonetwork menyediakan keanggotaan Prioritas untuk perusahaan yang dapat dipercaya dan fasilitas validasi alamat untuk pencegahan alamat tidak jelas.

Manfaatkan fasilitas anggota Prioritas untuk mendatangkan pengunjung dan menjadi Terpercaya.
Untuk upgrade Ke Prioritas, silahkan melakukan:
Pembayaran Rp 1.700.000,- ke rekening

Bank BCA KCU Veteran
A/C: 0101-863963
A/N: PT. Indonetwork Mitra Utama
Bank Mandiri KCP Surabaya Indrapura
A/C: 140-00-1400069-0
A/N: PT. Indonetwork Mitra Utama

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Keuntungan Anggota Prioritas:
1. Pengunjung dan Pembeli lebih banyak
Perusahaan dan produk tampil di atas pada hasil pencarian
2. Meningkatkan Posisi Situs di Internet
Semakin banyak jumlah pengunjung meningkatkan popularitas situs di internet
3. Kredibilitas dan Kepercayaan lebih tinggi
80% pembeli lebih memilih bertransaksi dengan anggota Prioritas Indonetwork
4. Transaksi lebih aman dan terpercaya
Mendapatkan Validasi untuk alamat perusahaan
5. Mendapatkan pemberitahuan pesan di email dan SMS
6. Tersedia lebih dari 80 tampilan situs
Contoh dapat dilihat di http://indonetwork.co.id/help-0106.html

Sukses Anda adalah sukses Indonetwork.

Jika membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi kami.

Team Support
021-40011133, 031-5470617, 088808696923

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Monday, February 2, 2015

A Huge Free (Commercial usage allowed) Pack with 230MB of Vintage Corporate Templates

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ShockFamily  |   ByPeople


A Vintage Corporate Freebie Pack from DealJumbo

We have partnered with the good guys at DealJumbo to give you a great (direct download, personal and commercial usage allowed) freebie. It is a pack of classy corporate elements for branding with a vintage style, including insignia templates, badges, frames and logo mockups in PSD format and incorporating easily editable smart objects. Use as you need since it has a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Download this Freebie >>

ByPeople | DesignShock | ThemeShock | IconShock | ThemeGenerator
Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia - blog@designshock.com bp@bypeople.com
Phone: 5712693216 - http://www.designshock.com/privacy.php
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