Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top posts this week on Google+

Top posts this week on Google+
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Should Robots or Humans Explore Space? In my latest video explainer, I offer up something rare: my opinion. I tend not to…read more

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Everything you've ever wanted to know about clapping.

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I already knew I liked +Kevin Spacey, but this absolutely solidifies it. Here he makes the simple, obvious point that media…read more

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Need a skateboard? Print it.

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Picnic over the Arno river. Amira and I enjoyed the Mother of All Picnics on the supporting structure of the Santa Trinita…read more

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Full Bootstrap 3 PSD: Free for commercial or personal use.


Shock Family

Free Bootstrap 3 PSD

Hi, in this occasion we want to share this fantastic and huge PSD Freebie, which is comprised of all the element of the new Bootstrap 3 Framework, packed in a carefully layered pixel perfect file with draggable elements, ideal for mockups, galleries, craft and the like. Free for Personal and Commercial use and released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Download »

Other freebies

Pastel Colors WP Theme

Elegant theme with pastel colors and illustrated backgrounds which is ideal for Weddings, Cake Shops, Feminine and classic sites in general.

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IconShock Free Icon sets

7 Free Icon Sets comprised of 43936 icons, covering several styles, Android, iPhone, Windows 8 and more. Bundled in fully editable PSDs.

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Shock Family Network ( DesignShock - ThemeShock - IconShock - ThemeGenerator - WebDesignShock )
Mailing address: Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia
Email: blog@designshock.com
Phone: 571 2693216
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Friday, August 16, 2013

RSS2Email.me Daily Update for Aug16, 2013

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

100 Fully Editable PSD Shelves + SEO In WordPress: Most Complete SEO Article


Shock Family

Today's Freebies

100 PSD Shelves

Spectacular set of 100 PSD Shelves, ideal to decorate your work, an give new life to your designs and featured projects. With carefully organized and fully editable layers this sharpen PSD will boost your work.

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WP SEO: A full Guide

Complete Guide on how to use effective SEO practices in order for your site to scale positions in search engines results and get more traffic. Written in a simple language that can be easily followed no matter your experience.

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Shock Family Network ( DesignShock - ThemeShock - IconShock - ThemeGenerator - WebDesignShock )
Mailing address: Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia
Email: blog@designshock.com
Phone: 571 2693216
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

RSS2Email.me Daily Update for Aug13, 2013

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Raih Kepercayaan Pelanggan

Yth. ,

Transaksi bisnis online maupun offline perlu berhati-hati.
Kepercayaan dibutuhkan untuk membangun bisnis yang langgeng.

Upgrade keanggotaan ke Prioritas untuk perusahaan yang lebih terpercaya dan dapatkan fasilitas validasi untuk pencegahan alamat tidak jelas.

"Selama bersama Indonetwork saya benar-benar merasa nyaman, aman dan usaha saya sangat mendapat respon yang nyata dari para pebisnis dalam negeri maupun manca negara yang akhirnya banyak sudah menjadi pelanggan saya yang setia." (Andi Christianto / Pemasaran / AGROLAWU.indonetwork.co.id / Jawa Timur)
"Untuk masalah kepercayaan konsumen, mereka rata-rata lebih merasa safe ketika bertransaksi dengan saya setelah melihat situs saya berada di Indonetwork, hal itu mempermudah terjadinya deal terhadap proses jual beli yang terjadi.
Sampai saat ini saya masih mempercayai Indonetwork prioritas sebagai induk bagi usaha saya di dunia online...." (Zenny Widagdo / Pemasaran / spectrameter.indonetwork.co.id Jawa Tengah)

Silahkan upgrade keanggotaan ke Prioritas dengan melakukan:
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Google+ GUI: The Biggest (And Greatest), All interface elements In A Layered PSD


Shock Family

Google+ full GUI and template

We'd like to share this great PSD GUI set which contains more that 1000 elements from the latest version of Google+, including Buttons, Menus, Patterns, Sliders, Forms, Icons and more, so that you can have all the GUI elements you could ever need to use in your projects. On the other hand, all the elements in this PSD are carefully layered and it's very easy to rearrange them.

Download »

Other freebies

iOS7 GUI Template gui and icons

iOS7 beta GUI with more than 1000 interface elements, packed in fully editable retina ready PSDs which cover almost everything you need for your project.

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3500 Flat Icons

Amazing flat Icons Set containing more than 3500 soft colored, yet vibrant icons, in 3 different sizes, which are free for personal and commercial use.

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Shock Family Network ( DesignShock - ThemeShock - IconShock - ThemeGenerator - WebDesignShock )
Mailing address: Calle 24C #43A 50 Bogota, Colombia
Email: blog@designshock.com
Phone: 571 2693216
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

RSS2Email.me Daily Update for Aug 6, 2013

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

RSS2Email.me Daily Update for Aug 3, 2013

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