Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Premium WordPress Plugins Bundle Deal, WP Real Media Library, Huge UI Kit PSD & Sketch, Image Compressor For WordPress, High X-height Sans-serif Font, HTML5 Portfolio Template, Open-source Form Builder, UI Platform App Builder, React In Patterns, And An Online Video Compressor.

We know you love freebies, so we've decided to create this fresh-as round-up collected from across the web with the most stunning resources we've found. Hope you guys enjoy them all!

WordPress Plugins Deal

75 Premium WordPress Marketing, SEO and Social Engagement plugins. Only $39.99

WP Real Media Library

Turn your Wordpress media library to the next level with folders. Get organized with thousands of images. Drag & Drop all of your files.


A UI kit for both Photoshop and Sketch that comes with 52 templates, 35 custom icons, and much more.

Pixel Perfect Image Compressor for WordPress

Reduce your images' size by up to 90% while keeping the original quality intact. WordPress compatible. Starting from $4.99

Affogato Typeface

A friendly sans-serif font featuring beautiful glyphs with high x-height.


A Kit of 50+ high-quality screens in 15+ categories with clean & flexible UI components.


An elegant portfolio template in HTML5 including beautiful typography and bootstrap compatibility.


A free and open source form builder similar to Google Forms and Typeform.


UI platform that combines design language and a web framework, includes Angular-Material.


An online video compressor from any video format file to web-compatible WebM format.

React In Patterns

A list of design patterns and techniques used while developing with React.



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