Order list 16 26d 6h 8m 4s Iconshock is the world's largest icon library, with both free and premium collections of professional icons, tailor made to suit your project's needs. - Over 2 million icons in more than 30 different industries and upwards 40 design styles, both original and for OS.
- 100 new icons each week.
- Editor to change color, size, add-ons, and styles. On the fly, before downloading!
- Several standard sizes plus custom ones for the icons available as vector SVG files.
- Icons are built pixel-perfect to display clear and crispy in small and bigger sizes.
- Add-ons specifically designed for each one of the styles.
| | | | | | | Unusual Minds Calle 24c # 43a - 50 Bogotá, Colombia, 571-2693216 | | | | | |
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