Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi Putri!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
Google+ team
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#BoycottApple ... about bloody time! Some of us have been saying it for ages!

This chart still goes to show that Android #smartphones like the #Samsung Galaxy phones are so much better than the over priced, over hyped #Apple #IPhone in my opinion. Even a stone has some benefits over the Apple IPhone. Android Smartphones all the way!

If I were to put together a new chart comparing the Galaxy #S3 it would take way too long and it's benefits over the IPhone would scroll off the page! I can't...
+958 - 475 comments - 311 sharesView or comment on this post »
every new thing revealed about Zuckerbook becomes one more push towards the tipping point where people decide enough-is-enough and give up on the site.

"The social network's mobile app appears to be altering address book entries to direct messages to Facebook mail accounts. A user composing an email on his or her phone will send the missive to a Facebook inbox the recipient has probably never looked at, and as the original email address is overwritten there's no alternative."
Facebook phone app attempts to seize ALL YOUR MAIL • The Register
Facebook has found an innovative way to encourage use of its email service: reach into users' mobile phone address books and change the email addresses stored against each contact to their Facebook em...
+144 - 70 comments - 105 sharesView or comment on this post »
Don't want occasional updates about Google+ activity and friend suggestions? Change what email Google+ sends you.Google+ team


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